How Bad Do You Want It?
Everyone wants to do stuff. Lots of people want to get in shape, do great things, travel the world, live an adventure and tell a good story with their life, but there’s a big difference between saying you want something and wanting something bad enough to do something about it.
“Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable.”
How To Know If You Just Kinda Want It:
You might say you want it, but you just kinda want it. You can tell because
- When it’s time to cheat, you give in.
- When it stops being easy, you give up.
- As soon as things get uncomfortable, you go searching for something easier.
If there’s an acceptable excuse, you take it. The easy way – you find it. You stop at good enough and level off when it seems “reasonable.” You get suckered into cheats, hacks and “shortcuts” when the biggest shortcut of all is hours and hours of unnoticed, unsexy and unappreciated work.
That’s what most people do and when you do what most people do, you get what most people get. But that’s the moment you get the chance for separation. That’s the moment when, if you decide to keep going, not give up and seek out perfection, you create distance between yourself and “average.” But how bad do you really want it?
You say you want it, but you really only kinda want it.
You say you want to get in shape, but not as bad as you want to
- party with your friends
- eat whatever it is your co-workers brought in for a snack
- drag your butt out of bed and run sprints
You say you want to start your own business, but not as bad as you want to
- read one more business book about it
- waste time on twitter
- stay up late and wake up early to work on it
You say you want to do something impossible, but not as much as you want to
- wait to find the “perfect” thing to start on
- watch one more episode of that funny tv show
- live vicariously through others and watch someone else do it
Stop it. Live vicariously through yourself.“I was taken by the power that savoring a simple cup of coffee can have to connect people and create community.”
Cause sometimes you just feel tired…you feel weak
And when you feel weak you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you…you gotta find that inner strength
And just pull that sh*t out of you and get that motivation to not give up
And not be a quitter…no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.
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